What We Do

What We Do2019-01-21T18:30:01+00:00

Our Business Transformation Framework

Imagine if another entrepreneur looked inside your company. What would they discover that might need to change or improve? As the leader, have you made the right decisions, allocated the right resources, and set the right priorities? As the operator, have you hired the right people, implemented the right tools, and created the right processes? Are your customers raving fans or bound to leave any time? Are your employees highly-engaged or just punching the clock? Is your culture strong and vibrant or something less than wonderful? If you could change anything, what would you change, and why haven’t you changed it already?

At Business CoPilots, we help entrepreneurs discover the critical issues that are holding their company back and create action plans to turn things around. We conduct business assessments and team retreats to figure out what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs to change. We dig through data to find the insights and winning moves that will accelerate sales, profitability, and growth. And we serve as thinking partners and confidential sounding boards for entrepreneurs and business owners that need a helping hand.

How We Work

Success is not about getting more done. It’s about getting the right things done. Our Business Transformation Framework takes entrepreneurs through a 6 step process to prioritize the best projects to maximize sales, profitability, and growth:

  1. Entrepreneur Assessment – Clarify your vision for the business you want to own.
  2. Business Assessment – Figure out what’s working and what’s not.
  3. Team Retreat – Decide where you want to go and how to get there.
  4. Critical Insights – Discover the changes that will transform your business.
  5. Action Plan – Work ON your business and get the right things done.
  6. Accountability Coaching – Create a life you want to live and a business you love.
Quarterly Flight Plan Business_CoPilots

Business Growth Consulting

To get to the proverbial next level, you must create a thoughtful strategy and a meaningful brand promise that resonates with customers. Then you must build a set of concrete business systems that define expectations and ensure that your customer experience delivers on your brand promise.  Only then will customers beat a path to your door. We help companies achieve these goals by facilitating three retreats focused on strategy, story, and systems to connect the dots between what customers want and what you deliver.

  • Decide where you want to go.
  • Define why you are going there and the consequences of not changing.
  • Engage your team in deciding “how” to get there.

The 3D Transformation Retreat

X-Factor Project Management

We created The X-Factor Business Transformation Platform™ to help entrepreneurs work ON their business rather than IN it. Our platform helps business owners connect the business vision and strategy with daily activities and performance.

  • Manage the change process using quarterly sprints.
  • Delegate the right tasks to the right people.
  • Measure the leading and lagging KPIs of success.
  • Hold people accountable and create a culture of execution.
  • Celebrate when important milestones are achieved.

Quarterly Execution & Accountability

Entrepreneur Coaching

The bottleneck to growth in every business is the owner-entrepreneur. When a business gets stuck or declines, the decision making, expertise, and skills of the owner are to blame. To become better leaders, we have to learn new things, take new risks, and do things outside our comfort zone. Unfortunately, many of us choose the path of least resistance and do what we have always done. At Business CoPilots, we help business owners push themselves to do more, accomplish more, and to reach their full potential in business and life.

Personal Development & Support

Our Secret Sauce

What makes us really special is how we do business:

Smart Questions
Good questions make all the difference. What is the highest and best use of your time? What are the winning moves that could transform your business? We ask great questions so you make better decisions and focus on the right things.

Creative Thinking
Customers are more sophisticated and educated than ever before, so entrepreneurs have to figure out how to differentiate and add more value. We help entrepreneurs think outside the box and create a business that thrives.

Growth Hacking
Some businesses figure out how to build a powerful, profitable sales engine and some don’t. We use creativity, technology, outsourcing, experimentation and innovation to maximize the velocity of growth in the companies we serve.

Online Tools
Companies often make it too hard for customers to do business with them or for employees to do their jobs. We help businesses implement systems and tools that simplify business processes, measure results and ensure action plans get executed.

Continuous Improvement
Great leaders spend more time working “on” their business than “in” their business.  We help entrepreneurs create a project management system devoted solely to working “on” their companies to make them stronger, more profitable, and predictable.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

Jim Rohn

Take Your Business to the Next Level

Continuous improvement is the key to success in any endeavor. Let us show you how to discover critical issues, prioritize activities, clarify expectations, raise standards, and simplify processes so the right things happen in your business.

Free Consultation

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